We went diving gooood dive sites today again.
The sun came out, which made our swim-thru dives nice.
*** Today’s Dives ***
Chiibishi Islands and Okinawa Main Island
1. Kamiyama Labyrinth (Chiibishi)
2. Kamiyama Labyrinth (Chiibishi)
3. Mizugama Red Marker (Kadena North)
Objective: Fun Dives
Weather: Flat
Air: 24C (75.2F)
Water: 23C (73.4F)
Suites: 5mm one piece + hood
Yes, he found it again. But last time he saw it, it was white…. is it a different one? or did it change color? Hmmm…
After lunch we enjoyed diving the Red Marker, near our port.
Panda Anemonefish were doing still alright over there.
Okinwa Diving Bluefield - Main Website (English)
沖縄ダイビング ブルーフィールド(日本語)